Human Rights Commission Hearing The Human Rights Commission will hold a hearing in Leticia Preciado v. Bodega Latina Corp and Mirza (last name unknown), HRB Case No. 20-11-0092-E on April 28, 2022. The hearing will be held on Zoom virtual platform beginning at 10:00 AM.
State of New Mexico announces cross-agency education and workforce data platform Four state agencies are joining forces to create a shared statewide longitudinal data system, also known as RISE NM, to identify opportunities to improve outcomes for New Mexicans in their journey from early childhood into the workforce.
Workforce Solutions transitioning to more secure Way2Go Card for Unemployment Insurance prepaid debit card benefit payments New cards will be sent to claimants in April The New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions (NMDWS) will be issuing new Unemployment Insurance (UI) Prepaid Debit Cards starting in April 2022.
New Mexico awarded $2.25 million Unemployment Insurance Equity Grant The U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) has awarded an equity grant of $2.25 million to New Mexico to support greater public awareness and improve delivery of unemployment insurance services though the state Unemployment Insurance (UI) system.