Operation Soundstage is a pilot program to put military veterans to work on movie and TV productions in New Mexico. The veterans’ movie production pilot program is a multi-state agency partnership which aims to increase the hiring and training of military veterans for production by movie studios and television production companies here in New Mexico. The partnership includes New Mexico Film Office, the New Mexico Department of Veterans’ Services and the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions.
The New Mexico Film Office, through the Jobs Training Initiative Program, currently finance training that helps New Mexico crew members advance their education and become qualified for new crew jobs. These funds are only available for a limited number of positions for each production. Operation Soundstage will add an additional position on each production to be filled specifically by a New Mexico veteran. Operation Soundstage will also help ensure that veterans who are eligible for the G.I. Bill will be able to access film-career development programs offered at several New Mexico colleges.
Military veterans provide an excellent pool of skilled and talented professionals who would be ideal to fill “off-camera” job openings such as carpenters, electricians, editors, technicians, production assistants, makeup artists, caterers, drivers and dozens of other positions typically needed for television and movie projects.
According to the New Mexico Film Office, more than 100 movies and television shows have been shot in New Mexico.
Veteran Services
Operation Soundstage Partnership