The New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions (DWS) invites you to register your organization’s apprenticeship program on the Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL). The ETPL is a resource tool containing a statewide listing of approved training providers in New Mexico, and is utilized by workforce staff responsible for coordinating training and job opportunities. The ETPL is located at the online portal, the New Mexico Jobs (NMWCOS) website at
By registering to be on the ETPL, you may be able to leverage the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funding to support apprentice related technical instruction (RTI) training through Individualized Training Accounts (ITAs). Additionally, you may be able to utilize WIOA supportive services funding to assist apprentices with expenses such as transportation, childcare, and supplies. Only program sponsors/providers registered on the ETPL can utilize WIOA funding to support ITAs and supportive services.
As a Registered Apprenticeship (RA) program, there is no cost to be registered on the ETPL. This is also a great opportunity to reach a broader pool of potential apprentice applicants. Again, all state Registered Apprenticeship program sponsors are invited to register your program. If you are interested in having your program on the ETPL, please sign and complete the ETPL Acknowledgement Form and return via email.
We look forward to partnering with the Registered Apprenticeship program sponsors. For more information on registering your program to be on the ETPL, please contact WIOA at
Get the detailed Registered Apprenticeship Program Support PDF here.