Employers are required by state and federal law to post at their workplaces certain information concerning the rights of employees. The required posters are listed below and may be printed individually using a standard printer and paper. You may also print posters at your local New Mexico Workforce Connection center. Federal 7-in-1 posters that include all mandatory federal postings in one are also available for pick up for free in both English and Spanish at New Mexico Workforce Connection centers. Employers should never have to pay a commercial service for posters.
New Mexico state minimum wage is $12.00 per hour effective January 1, 2023. The federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009. More information can be read at Minimum Wages Information.
State Mandatory Postings
*Attention Employers: The Minimum Wage Act summaries serve as a new posting option for your workplace. You may post the one page summary or you may keep the full version of the Minimum Wage Act posted if you do not wish to replace it. Either one of these postings will suffice to meet your requirement.
Federal Mandatory Postings
Available by download below or at US Department of Labor
- Federal Minimum Wage
- Cartel del Salario Federal Minimo bajo la Ley de Normas Justas de Trabajo (Spanish language FLSA Poster) To use this file as a poster for your place of employment, please follow these instructions:
- The file is only available in PDF format. In order to view and/or print PDF documents you must have a PDF viewer (e.g., Adobe Acrobat Reader v5 or later) available on your workstation.
- Click on the link for the minimum wage poster (large or small) and wait for it to load into the viewer.
- Please ensure that the Page Scaling box reads: Reduce to Printer Margins
- If you chose the large version, your printer must be capable of 11 x 17 prints or the two printed pages must be taped or pasted together to form an 11 x 17 inch poster. Otherwise the poster fits on a single 8 1/2 x 11 inch page
Additional Posters
- Employee Rights Under the National Labor Relations Act – (English), (Español)
Note: Federal or Federally financed construction projects require additional postings. Employers meet Federal law requirements by displaying these posters where they customarily place notices for employees.
Local Posters
Cities, Municipalities, Counties, and Incorporated Places may also have additional posters required of businesses. You will need to contact these entities to find out the specifics. Below are a few off site links which may assist you. Note that Minimum Wage Posters are available online for City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo and City of Santa Fe.
City and County Agencies
Additional City Links