The New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions is here to assist your business with the growth and development of your current and future workforce. WorkKeys deals with the foundational skills required by all jobs, such as reading, mathematics, and locating information.
Once applicants complete the WorkKeys assessments, the skill level results can be used along with a resume, interview, company test, and other company hiring criteria to help you make the best choice. Each individual that takes the WorkKeys three core assessments qualifies for a Career Readiness Certificate, a portable credential that confirms the workplace skills possessed by that individual.
By using WorkKeys, you can:
- Assess skill level requirements for specific jobs
- Evaluate skill levels of potential applicants
- Evaluate the skill levels of current employees for company advancement opportunities
Job Seeker
WorkKeys is a job skills assessment system measuring “real world” skills that employers say are critical to job success. These skills are valuable for any occupation – skilled or professional – and at any level of education.
This system is the most efficient assessment process available. Using the unique job profiling component along with the WorkKeys assessments, you are able to show how your skills compare to an employer’s specific job requirements – providing the employer a targeted solution that saves time and money.
National Career Readiness Certificate
The National Career Readiness Certificate is a portable credential that promotes skills and career development for individuals and confirms to employers that they possess basic workplace skills in Applied Mathematics, Locating Information, and Reading for Information.