Tuesday, January 07, 2025 / Categories: Department News Employer roundtable events in Eastern New Mexico with local and state officials Workforce centers to reveal new name and logo at ribbon-cutting ceremony New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions Cabinet Secretary Sarita Nair will be a special guest at Employer Roundtable events held throughout eastern New Mexico including Hobbs, Artesia, and Roswell on January 8-9, 2025. The events will include local officials who will lead open discussions with employers on their workforce needs and address challenges that may be impacting their business.Each event will be accompanied by a ribbon-cutting ceremony announcing the launch of the new name and logo for local workforce centers across the state. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet staff, tour the office, and learn about the programs and services available to individuals looking for work and support for employers with hiring solutions.All events are free and open to the public. Community members, partners, and media are encouraged to join.HOBBS, NM – January 8, 2025RIBBON-CUTTING CEREMONYWHAT: Ribbon-cutting ceremony to announce the launch of new name and logo for local workforce office.WHO: Sarita Nair, NMDWS Cabinet SecretaryLocal workforce office staffWHEN: Wednesday, January 8, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.WHERE: 204 W. Park St., Hobbs, NM 88240EMPLOYER ROUNDTABLEWHAT: The New Mexico Workforce Connection hosting free employer roundtable discussion with state and local officials and New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions Cabinet Secretary Sarita Nair to discuss workforce needs and challenges.WHO: Sarita Nair, NMDWS Cabinet SecretaryGary Eidson, Board Chair of County Commissioners for Lea CountyWHEN: Wednesday, January 8, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.WHERE: New Mexico Jr. College – Watson Hall Auditorium, 1 Thunderbird Rd. Hobbs, NMARTESIA, NM – January 9, 2025RIBBON-CUTTING CEREMONYWHAT: Ribbon-cutting ceremony to announce the launch of new name and logo for local workforce office.WHO: Sarita Nair, NMDWS Cabinet SecretaryLocal workforce office staffWHEN: POSTPONEDWHERE: 704 W Main St. Artesia, NM 88210EMPLOYER ROUNDTABLEWHAT: The New Mexico Workforce Connection hosting free employer roundtable discussion with state and local officials and New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions Cabinet Secretary Sarita Nair to discuss workforce needs and challenges.WHO: Sarita Nair, NMDWS Cabinet SecretaryRepresentative James G. TownsendRepresentative Jimmy G. MasonMayor John HenryWHEN: POSTPONEDWHERE: Artesia Public Schools Board Room, 301 Bulldog Blvd, Artesia, NM 88210ROSWELL, NM – January 8, 2025RIBBON-CUTTING CEREMONYWHAT: Ribbon-cutting ceremony to announce the launch of new name and logo for local workforce office.WHO: Sarita Nair, NMDWS Cabinet SecretaryLocal workforce office staffWHEN: POSTPONEDWHERE: 67 University Blvd, Roswell, NM 88203EMPLOYER ROUNDTABLEWHAT: The New Mexico Workforce Connection hosting free employer roundtable discussion with state and local officials and New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions Cabinet Secretary Sarita Nair to discuss workforce needs and challenges.WHO: Sarita Nair, NMDWS Cabinet SecretaryWHEN: POSTPONEDWHERE: ENMU – Roswell ITC-145 Commons Area Roswell, NM 88201 Previous Article Human Rights Commission Meeting Notice Next Article New Mexico Workforce Connection rebrand to America’s Job Center New Mexico