Friday, October 14, 2022 / Categories: Department News Labor and Industrial Commission Meeting AGENDA FOR OCTOBER 19, 2022, REGULAR MEETING AT 10:30 AMDue to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting shall be conducted through Zoom teleconferencing, and the public may attend and listen either online through Zoom or through the telephone. The meeting starts at 10:30 a.m. and will last as long as necessary. Connectivity information is as follows:Below is the Zoom link and information to attend the meeting.Join Zoom Meeting ID: 853 4106 6261Passcode: FDh3h6One tap mobile+17193594580,,85341066261#,,,,*426010# US+12532158782,,85341066261#,,,,*426010# US (Tacoma)The agenda is as follows:1. Call to order2. Approval of Agenda3. Approval of Minutes of November 22, 2021, Meeting4. Public Comment5. Approval of 2022 Open Meetings Act Resolution6. Administrative Appeal on the merits in case number LIC 2022-010: POLISHED CONCRETE CO. v. Kimberly Souders.The Commission will conduct an evidentiary hearing, including but not limited to opening and closing statements, witness testimony, the introduction of evidentiary exhibits, and hearing legal arguments, on the merits of this appeal in open session. The Commission may also vote on the matter (including taking final action on the case) in open session. However, at any time before, during, or after the hearing, the Commission may vote to enter into closed session pursuant to NMSA 1978, Section 10-15-1(H)(3), the exception to the Open Meetings Act authorizing closed session for deliberations by a public body in connection with an administrative adjudicatory proceeding.7. Adjournment Previous Article Unemployment Insurance Operations Center closed Monday in observance of Indigenous Peoples Day Next Article Ribbon-cutting ceremony for new Workforce Connection Center location in Santa Fe