Resources for Finding Interns
It's easy! Employers can post internships and search for qualified internship candidates in the New Mexico Jobs.
Internships Ӏ Students Work system is set up for students to post their resumes and search for internships from employers in
our state. This system links directly to the New Mexico Jobs. Just sign-in to your employer account at
New Mexico Jobs and utilize our system to post your internship
or search for an intern with the skills you are looking for.
Career Services Offices
A great place to collaborate and find students looking for internships within specific fields of study is through your local college
or university Career Services office. Career Services offices hold career fairs to bring their students together with employers hiring
for internships. The New Mexico Department of Higher Education has a whole webpage dedicated to contact information for every
accredited college and university in our state where you can get connected to their Career Services office. For a complete list of
contact information, click on the
Educational Directory link at this link.
Alternative Pathways for Employers to Help Students Prepare for Employment
If you can't afford to provide a high intensity career experience like your own internship program to a student there are
organizations in New Mexico that can help facilitate low intensity experiences or an internship program for high school students.
Low intensity experiences include job shadowing or going to a classroom and talking with students about your job and occupation,
and how you got there. These types of experiences can help open student's minds to possibilities they are unaware of as a
career pathway.
Youth Development, Inc. (YDI)
Eastern New Mexico University
Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG) New Mexico
Subsidized Learning Employment Options
On the Job Training (OJT)
Subsidized employment that results in a learning experience.
Are you an employer looking to test drive talent and provide training to an individual learning about a new job and the skills
required for that job, and in need of help to pay the wages? "On the Job Training" (OJT) may be an option for you. OJT is similar
to an internship. An employer is providing a job with learning objectives, giving the participant the opportunity to acquire training
by placement in a setting which emphasizes "learning by doing". There are programs for New Mexico employers that subsidize
wages to help in this type of workforce development for entry level employment in specific fields or occupations. Below are a
few programs that may be of interest to you.
Workforce Investment Opportunity Act (WIOA)
WIOA is a federal program that provides a financial incentive to employers for hiring and training individuals that are either
receiving unemployment benefits, have exhausted unemployment benefits, are underemployed (have an income that does not
sustain them and/or their family OR have no income) or are military veterans.
Employers receive a 50% salary reimbursement for up to six months for full time positions for positions.
This is referred to as an "On-the-Job Training (OJT) Contract." In return the employer agrees to create a training
plan and to train the participant to fill his/her skill gaps for the position.
Funds are available to employers within industries that are stable or have growth potential. Funded industries include healthcare,
commercial construction, green energy, manufacturing, IT/R&D, education and a myriad of service industries.
For more information, contact any New Mexico Workforce Connection office near you.
Click here.
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)
New Mexico DVR can help arrange subsidized OJT for employers interested in mentoring a person with a disability, helping
them develop the skills needed to realize their career goals. During DVR funded OJT, the trainee interacts on a regular basis with
employees who do not have disabilities, holds a regular position, and is paid no less than minimum wage. This type of OJT helps
people with disabilities get used to the employment environment while gaining valuable work experience.
Vocational Rehabilitation employment vendors will arrange an OJT and coordinate placing the person in the training and any
follow-up services needed. The employment vendors will work closely with all parties to develop an OJT experience that will benefit
both the trainee and the employer. After training begins, VR employment vendors will continue to offer support to the trainee
and employer.
For more information, click here or call 800-224-7005.