Applying for Your Work-Based Learning Opportunity
Part of what makes a work-based learning opportunity valuable is how it directly relates to actual job experience, including the
application process. Work-based learning experiences can also be very competitive as many employers are requiring them for future employment.
The Basics
The more energy and detail you put into your application process, the greater your chances are in standing
out from the crowd and getting hired. Here are some helpful tips for each step of the application process.
The key goal of your resume is to motivate an employer to invite you to an interview and if interviewed, serves
as a primary reference point as you discuss, examine, and evaluate your qualifications and skills. You want to phrase
and compile this information into your resume in an organized, complete, clear and accurate way, highlighting your
greatest strengths and qualifications.
Resume Tool
If you have not created a resume and would like to make yours available for employers to see in their search for internship candidates, use our Resume Builder tool under your Account information. The Resume Builder allows you to create a resume and save it for updating as you develop more skills and work history. Choose to make your resume searchable for employers looking for qualified candidates. You must be registered with
Internships Ӏ Students Work, New Mexico Career Solutions or the New Mexico Jobs to use this tool.
Helpful Tips
Cover Letter
In most situations, your cover letter is your first contact with an employer and is an employer's first impression
of you. It should briefly reveal the best parts of your personality — the parts that make an employer want to
read your resume and invite you to an interview.
Letter Tool
If you have not created a basic cover letter or need help tailoring your
basic cover letter for a particular internship, visit our partner site:
and utilize the Letter Builder tool in Step 3 within the Job Search section.
To log-in, just use the same username and password you have created in this website,
Internships Ӏ Students Work.
Helpful Tips
Essay or Portfolio
In addition to the standard documentation, internships may also require an essay. If this is the case, it is your
opportunity to stand out even further from other applicants. Research how to write a strong essay for an internship
application and utilize this opportunity to demonstrate to your possible employer your passion for learning and interest in
a certain career pathway. A portfolio is something else to consider while prepping and applying for an internship. As a
student you most likely do not have a lot of job experience to share on your resume, but you may have writing samples,
copies of transcripts and degrees, documentation of computer and technical skills, letters of recommendation, copies of
performance reviews and copies of awards you have received. Your portfolio can be the visual and interactive presentation
of your accomplishments that are not necessarily fully captured in your resume.
Helpful Tips
Nearly every internship or job you apply for will require references at some point in the hiring process. It is very
important that you contact your references prior to providing their information to a potential employer and that these
references are fully capable of portraying you and your capabilities.
References Tool
For help in learning how to network, utilize your contacts for a strong
list of references, and prep your references before an interview visit our partner site: You will find the tools you need within the Job Search
section under Step 4. To log-in, just use the same username and password you have
created in this website,
Internships Ӏ Students Work.
Helpful Tips
Interview Preparation
Once you have been selected as an interview candidate, you are now officially one foot in the door closer to
securing your internship. Preparing for an interview is incredibly important because if you take the time to thoroughly
prepare, the employer will notice.
Whether you've never interviewed for an internship or want to brush
up on your skills, our partner site:
has plenty of tools to help you prepare. Tools are located within the Job Search section under Step 6.
To log-in, just use the same username and password you have created in this website,
Internships Ӏ Students Work.
Helpful Tips
Follow Up Letter
You should always follow up with an employer quickly after an interview, no matter how the interview went. Send
the employer a follow-up letter including any ideas or remarks that you may have forgotten to discuss, provide information
the employer requested during the interview, briefly remind the employer of the high points of the interview, thank
the employer for his/her time and consideration, and invite him/her to contact you with additional questions or to
schedule another meeting.
Follow Up Letter Tool
A couple of skills including etiquette and writing are useful for a strong
employer follow up after an interview. Our partner site,,
offers a letter builder tool in Step 3 within the Job Search
section, as well as etiquette tips under Step 7. To log-in, just use the same username and
password you have created in this website,
Internships Ӏ Students Work.
Helpful Tips