Notice of Public Hearing: Proposed Amendments to Public Works Minimum Wage Act Policy Manual The New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions (“Department” or “NMDWS”) hereby gives notice that the Department will conduct a public hearing to receive public comments regarding proposed amendments to NMAC 11.1.2 (the Public Works Minimum Wage Act Policy Manual) in the Leo Griego Auditorium located in the State Personnel Office (Willie Ortiz Building) at 2600 Cerrillos Road in Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87505 on September 6, 2023 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Public Meeting Notice: State Workforce Development Board The New Mexico State Workforce Development Board will hold virtual Zoom Meeting Thursday, August 3, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.
Human Rights Commission Hearing Notice The Human Rights Commission will hold a hearing in Jason Esquibel v. Kaps Coffee Shop and Diner, HRB Case No. 22-01-0038-E on August 8, 2023. The hearing will be held on Zoom virtual platform beginning at 9:00 AM.
NMDWS and NMDOH launch USDOL Navigator Grant in marginalized communities This month the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions (DWS), in partnership with New Mexico Department of Health (DOH), Office of Community Health Workers, Population and Community Health Bureau Public Health Division (OCHW) will launch the Navigator Grant of $2.8 million awarded by U.S. Department of Labor. The grant will engage community health workers as navigators, to expand outreach and support for Unemployment Insurance benefits and re-employment services in rural, remote, and tribal communities in New Mexico.