
As the designated State Commission on service and volunteerism, the Serve New Mexico Commission administers funding to AmeriCorps State programs in New Mexico. Here you’ll find information for existing programs and current members, as well as for those interested in bringing AmeriCorps to their community.


Want to know more about becoming an AmeriCorps member? Look no further:

AmeriCorps provides an opportunity for you to give back to your community. When we share our time and talents, we solve problems, strengthen communities, improve lives, connect to others, and transform our own lives. AmeriCorps members may receive a living allowance and education award. In addition, volunteers are more likely to find jobs after their service than non-volunteers.



AmeriCorps programs provide opportunities for Americans to make an intensive commitment to service. The AmeriCorps network of local, state, and national service programs engages more than 80,000 Americans around the nation each year. AmeriCorps members can help make the world a better place. AmeriCorps programs focus on the areas of:

  • Education
  • Disaster Services
  • Health
  • Environmental Stewardship
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Service to Veterans & Military Families