Beginning in 1997, the requirement to develop a State Service Plan presented an opportunity for state commissions to exercise inclusive leadership. The National and Community Service Trust Act requires that a plan “be developed through and open and public process…that provides for maximum participation and input from national service programs within the state and other interested member of the public.” The State Service Plan serves as a vehicle for creating a broad vision for promoting national service and volunteering and for building a solid infrastructure of high quality service programs and support services. The plan should be a blueprint for identifying state priorities, themes and areas of emphasis among all the streams of service.
According to SEC. 178. [42 U.S.C 12638] State Commissions on National and Community Service, a State Service Plan must cover three years and be updated annually, as the 2012-2015 state plan has expired the New Mexico Commission for Community Volunteerism has drafted a new plan. Following community feedback, this draft of the State Service Plan is pending governor approval.