Ancestral Lands Conservation Corps

Ancestral Lands Conservation Corps (ALCC)

Ancestral Lands Conservation Corps is a program of Conservation Legacy (statewide, with a focus on environmental stewardship). Twenty Indigenous AmeriCorps members will improve critical habitat by removing invasive species, planting native species, removing hazardous fuels, creating new trails, improving existing trails in partnership with natural resource agencies, and develop environmental stewardship and workplace skills. Participants will complete projects in Bernalillo County, the City of Albuquerque, Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge, Petroglyphs National Monument, Cibola National Forest, and El Malpais National Monument.

Contact: Chas Robles
(970) 216-5988

Email: chas@conservationlegacy.org

Instagram: @AncestralLands

TikTok: @ancestral_lands

Website: ancestrallands.org