Friday, September 20, 2024 / Categories: Department News, Meetings and Hearing Notices Notice of Rulemaking Hearing The New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions (“Department” or “NMDWS”) hereby gives notice that the Department will conduct a public hearing to receive public comments regarding proposed amendments to NMAC 11.3.300 (Employment Security – Claims Administration) in the Leo Griego Auditorium located in the State Personnel Office (Willie Ortiz Building) at 2600 Cerrillos Road in Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87505 on October 30, 2024 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.The purpose of the public hearing will be to obtain input and public comment on the amendments proposed to the NMAC 11.3.300.325 to amend the process for requesting a waiver of overpayments, amending the processes for overpayments of the Trade Adjustment Assistance, Trade Readjustment Assistance, Federal Extended Benefits, or any other enacted federal extension program and adding a section to allow for a process to request a waiver of benefit overpayments under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Securities (CARES) Act.Under NMSA 1978, §9-26-4, the NMDWS is responsible for the administration of the workforce technology division and the workforce transition services division. The Department is therefore responsible for the administration of the Unemployment Compensation Law pursuant to NMSA 1978 §51-1-1 et seq.Interested individuals may testify at the public hearing or submit written comments to State of New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions, 401 Broadway NE, P.O. Box 1928, Albuquerque, N.M., 87103, attention Andrea Christman. Written comments must be received no later than 5 p.m. on October 29, 2024. However, the submission of written comments as soon as possible is encouraged.Copies of the proposed rules may be accessed at, obtained by calling Andrea Christman at (505) 841-8478 or sending an email to The proposed rules will be made available at least thirty days prior to the hearing.Individuals with disabilities who require this information in an alternative format or need any form of auxiliary aid to attend or participate in this meeting are asked to contact Ms. Christman as soon as possible. The Department requests at least ten (10) days advance notice to provide requested special accommodations.11.003.0300 NMAC Draft Amendment.