Mission of the Commission
The Serve New Mexico Commission (formerly the New Mexico Commission for Community Volunteerism) adopted its by-laws in September of 1997. In Article I of these by-laws, the Commission identified its mission and purpose. This mission and purpose statement is the foundation on which the Commission’s role is built. The statement guides its efforts in serving all citizens of New Mexico.
“The Commission’s mission is to engage citizens of New Mexico of all ages and backgrounds in community based service; such service will address New Mexico’s human, educational, environmental, public safety, health, housing and other needs to achieve direct and beneficial results.
The Commission has for its purpose the promotion and guidance of AmeriCorps for National Service grant expenditures in a judicious and reasonable manner, consistent with pertinent provisions of federal law and regulation.”
The executive order from Governor King forming the Commission - PDF
Serve New Mexico Commission's Core Values
Members of the Commission, representatives of all Corporation supported programs and other traditional programs from around the state met to discuss needs in New Mexico and formulated the core values for community service. The following values exemplify New Mexico’s ethic of volunteerism and service:
Promote programs that develop sustainable communities in which empowered citizens of all ages identify and address community needs through innovative responses, which enhance the quality of life.
Community service and volunteerism are a way of life, a valued part of New Mexico’s culture that is supported, recognized and celebrated.
Active participation in public life is encouraged among New Mexicans of all ages, income, and ethnic origins.
Community service is a vital part of life which enhances citizens’ sense of individual and community responsibility while strengthening inter-cultural relations and celebrating cultural pride.
State Priorities and Goals for Community Service in New Mexico
The Serve New Mexico Commission and its partners have identified the following state priorities and goals as unique to the state and complementary to the national priorities identified by AmeriCorps. These priorities and goals support the mission and purpose of the Commission and are in line with New Mexico’s core values on community service. All National Service programs in the state should address one of the identified priorities and serve to further the statewide goals.
AmeriCorps Focus Areas
In order to carry out Congress' intent and to maximize the impact of investment in national service, AmeriCorps targets funds to the following six focus areas:
Disaster Services - Grant activities will provide support to increase the preparedness of individuals for disasters, improve individuals’ readiness to respond to disasters, help individuals recover from disasters, and/or help individuals mitigate disasters. Grantees also have the ability to respond to national disasters under the Corporation cooperative agreements and FEMA mission assignments.
Economic Opportunity - Grants will provide support and/or facilitate access to services and resources that contribute to the improved economic well-being and security of economically disadvantaged people; help economically disadvantaged people, including youth identified in My Brother’s Keeper to have improved access to services that enhance financial literacy; transition into or remain in safe, healthy, affordable housing; and/or have improved employability leading to increased success in becoming employed.
Education - Grants will provide support and/or facilitate access to services and resources that contribute to improved educational outcomes for economically disadvantaged children; improved school readiness for economically disadvantaged young children; improved educational and behavioral outcomes of students in low-achieving elementary, middle, and high schools; and/or support economically disadvantaged students prepare for success in post-secondary educational institutions.
Environmental Stewardship - Grants will provide support for increased individual behavioral change leading to increased energy efficiency, renewable energy use, and ecosystem improvements particularly for economically disadvantaged households and communities. Grant activities will decrease energy and water consumption; improve at-risk ecosystems; increase behavioral changes that lead directly to decreased energy and water consumption or improved at-risk ecosystems; and/or increase green training opportunities that may lead to decreased energy and water consumption or improved at-risk ecosystems.
Healthy Futures - Grants will provide support for activities that will improve access to primary and preventive health care for communities served by Corporation-supported programs; increase seniors’ ability to remain in their own homes with the same or improved quality of life for as long as possible; and/or increase physical activity and improve nutrition in youth with the purpose of reducing childhood obesity.
Veterans & Military Families - Grants will positively impact the quality of life of veterans and improve military family strength; increase the number of veterans, military service members, and their families served by AmeriCorps-supported programs; and/or increase the number of veterans and military family members engaged in service through AmeriCorps-supported programs.