State of New Mexico AmeriCorps RFA 2022 (Formula Pool)
TITLE: State of New Mexico AmeriCorps RFA 2022 (Formula Pool)
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Request for Applications, offered by the Serve New Mexico Commission, is to request applications to establish AmeriCorps programs throughout the State of New Mexico to improve lives, strengthen communities, and foster civic participation through service.
DISCLAIMER: All information provided on this page, including dates, is believed to be accurate. However, in the case of any differences between the information presented here and the information presented in the application, the information given in the application shall prevail.
GENERAL INFORMATION: All Correspondence should be directed to:
Name: Samuel Sokolove
Address: New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions
401 Broadway NE
Albuquerque, NM 87102
ISSUANCE: The Request for Applications will be issued on March 11, 2022 Eligible applicants interested in obtaining a copy of the application may access and download the document from the internet at the following address:
Notice of Intent to Apply: Notices of Intent to Apply are due March 17, 2022 by 5 PM Mountain Time to
PROPOSAL DUE DATE AND TIME: Applications must be received electronically by the Commission no later than 4:00 PM Mountain Time on April 15, 2022. Applications received after this deadline will not be accepted.