State and Regional Workforce Boards

The Governor and the State Workforce Development Board have been assigned broad authority under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) to provide policy and guidance to local boards, local one-stop delivery systems, and one-stop partner programs. Members of the board are appointed by the Governor and serve as the Governor's employer-driven workforce development adviser for programs and policies under WIOA. The board performs functions that include strategic planning, policy guidance, capacity building, and leadership and oversight of the state system operations.

Latest Meeting: December 5th, 2024

Past Meetings

Local Workforce Development Boards 

Northern Area Workforce Board

The New Mexico Northern Area Local Workforce Development Board (NALWDB) promotes business and community partnerships for local economic development while providing vocational training and employment services to meet the demands of a changing workforce. The Northern Area is comprised of ten counties that include Cibola, Colfax, Los Alamos, McKinley, Mora, Rio Arriba, San Juan, Santa Fe, San Miguel, and Taos.

Visit the Northern Board Website

Central New Mexico

The AJC New Mexico  serves four counties (Bernalillo, Sandoval, Valencia and Torrance) in the Central Region with America's Job Center New Mexico in each county. The AJC New Mexico is a robust network of organizations and agencies that come together to support business and promote the workforce. Partner organizations in the Central Region provide quality services and resources for people exploring career opportunities while supporting local businesses’ workforce needs and economic development initiatives. Priority industries in the region include IT/tech, healthcare, construction, and manufacturing.

Visit the Central Board Website

Southwestern Workforce Board

The New Mexico Southwestern Area Workforce Development Board is the governing and funding body for the delivery of services through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program to the Southwestern region. The Southwestern region is comprised of seven counties that include Catron, Socorro, Sierra, Grant, Hidalgo, Luna, and Dona Ana. The WIOA program partners with other government and non-governmental programs to deliver an array of services that are geared toward satisfying the workforce needs of businesses, job seekers and youth.

Visit the Southwestern Board Website

Eastern Area Workforce Board

The Eastern Area Workforce Development Board (EAWDB) serves twelve counties, including Chaves, Curry, De Baca, Eddy, Guadalupe, Harding, Lea, Lincoln, Otero, Quay, Roosevelt, and Union. The board oversees WIOA funding that provides individual training for Adult and Dislocated Workers, Adult and Dislocated Worker On-The-Job Training, and WIOA Youth. In conjunction with the New Mexico Human Services Department, the board oversees the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), Food Stamp (FS), and Employment and Training (E&T) programs in their area.

Visit the Eastern Board Website

Visit the America's Job Center New Mexico Eastern Area Website

Program Information

The federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was signed into law on July 22, 2014. WIOA is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy. 

Visit USDOL's WIOA Website

State Combined Plan

New Mexico Jobs is a cornerstone of the State's economic vitality, dedicated to equipping its residents with the skills and opportunities needed for individual success, and providing employers with access to skilled talent to drive economic growth. The workforce system includes industry, government agencies, non-profit organizations, school-to-career programs, and educational institutions.

The plan outlines New Mexico Jobs with a vision, goals, and strategies emphasizing the immediate needs of New Mexico communities to build and improve infrastructure while aligning to the state’s forward-looking economic development goals.

WIOA State Combined Plan Executive Summary

WIOA State Combined Plan Program Years 2024-2027

Learn More


State Policies, Guidance Letters, Memos, and Manuals

Annual Reports

Evaluation Reports

WIOA Partners

Laws, Regulations, and Statutes

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    Assemble, install, alter, and repair pipelines or pipe systems that carry water, steam, air, or other liquids or gases. May install heating and cooling equipment and mechanical control systems.

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    Raise, place, and unite iron or steel girders, columns, and other structural members to form completed structures or structural frameworks. May erect metal storage tanks and assemble prefabricated metal buildings.

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